NCU | Nozzle Check Unit

NCU is a system that automatically checks for defective nozzles and starts a cleaning cycle to recover them, ensuring constant image quality and productivity while reducing valuable down-time.
The advantage of NCU explained

NCU applied
While jetting ink from each nozzle in successive order, an LED directs light through the ink spray on a detector, which is activated in the case of a missing or deflected nozzle. Based on the firing frequency and timing, the NCU calculates which nozzle is missing or deflecting. When detected, the NCU will start an auto-cleaning procedure to recover the missing nozzles.

NCU not applied
In normal operation, all nozzles of the print head are jetting ink drops in a straight line onto the media. But nozzles can get clogged due to dried ink on the print head surface. Partial clogging causes the ink drop to be jetted under an angle. While complete clogging prevents the ink drops from being jetted, resulting in visible lines on the printout.