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Unusual nozzle test was printed, what should i do?

Answer: When you perform a TEST PRINT and see problems such as unusual nozzle test, deflections, or color mixtures, check the following:

ts500-1800 nozzles

【 Procedure 】
1. Clean the wiper, cap, head and surrounding area. It increases the success rate of the cleaning.
2. Perform the head cleaning (normal).
3. Perform the head cleaning (hard).
4. Perform NOZZLE WASH to wash off the ink stuck to the nozzle head.
5. Perform AIR PG (air purge). It is effective to resolve color mixtures or aerations.
6. Confirm the head height. If head height is too high, ink drops tend to turn into mist.
It causes nozzle deflection, nozzle missing or color mixture.
8. Check that the installation environment conforms to the specification.
9. If the above steps do not fix the problem, please contact us.