Thank you for visiting the Mimaki booth!
The mintbox package is printed on a Mimaki UJF-6042 and cutted on the Mimaki CFL-605RT. Would you like more information about these machines? Please click the More info buttons below.
[wptabs style=”wpui-narrow” mode=”horizontal”] [wptabtitle] Mimaki products[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]

- Creasing roller for creating folding lines
- Pen tool for creating line drawings

- Outstanding print quality of up to 1800 x 1800 dpi
- A2 size flatbed for a wider range of media
[wptabtitle] Mintbox Images[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]
[wptabtitle] Brochures[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]
Brochure downloads
[wpmdc_download id=965]
[wpmdc_download id=14493]