Marc Verbeem presents the Tiger600 at ITMA

High productivity, low impact printing for a greener tomorrow! Marc Verbeem tells you all you need to know about Mimaki’s new sublimation printer, the Tiger600-1800TS.

330series Carriage Underside Cleaning

To accomplish our slogan “Development-oriented Enterprise” holding our own technology and supplying our own brand products throughout the world, we strive to become an innovator always providing “Something new, something different” in the market.

330series Nozzle recovery setting method

To accomplish our slogan “Development-oriented Enterprise”, holding our own technology and supplying our own brand products throughout the world, we strive to become an innovator always providing “Something new, something different” in the market.

330series – How To set 2L ink pack

If you use the ink pack without setting it correctly, the ink may leak or you may not be able to use the ink to the end.
Set the ink pack correctly before use. Useful for the following products: